Pancake days

Oops! Missed pancake day on the blog! We celebrate on 2 February (Candlemas), but a lot of the English speaking world celebrates Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday on the day before Ash Wednesday, i.e. just a few days ago.

As one person on Mastodon pointed out: Pancake Tuesday implies the existence of a Pancake Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so feel free to celebrate whenever the mood strikes! Here’s Rembrandt to help you on your way. And why not check out the rest of his awesome prints held at the Morgan.

black line etching showing an old woman making pancakes on a griddle, surrounded by multiple people bothering her to get a pancake, including several small children
Rembrandt, 1635 – “The pancake woman” – Etching held at the Morgan Library and Museum.

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