William the Hippo

In last Friday’s post, you may have noticed a little hippo in the right bottom corner, observing carefully how Squirrel compares the PRC/East Asia to the size of the US. Who’s that little fella? That’s William, the Muhlenberg College unofficial History Department mascot, lovingly borrowed from the Met Museum’s original plush version of the little Egyptian statue.

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Sparing you the convoluted backstory, he started as our morale booster during a summer writing group, then we considered appointing him department chair but apparently that wasn’t working out (we have a fab human department chair now). Instead he happily took up the position of mascot, brightening the department’s social media whenever we needed to mark our presence on Instagram or Twitter without showing our own faces. Even the College’s president has remarked on his media-savvy presence. And since the original plushie is mine, and I helped to design the social media strategy, of course I had to include him in my file so I could talk about this in the “Service” section. On Friday, you’ll get to see more of him!

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